꾸미는 태도 영어로
- camp
- 태도: 태도 [態度] an attitude; [거동] bearing;
- 겉꾸미는: ostentatious; bravura; kitsch; splashy; all hat and no cattle
- 꾸미는 몸짓: camp
- 미는: pushing
- 태도: 태도 [態度] an attitude; [거동] bearing; demeanor; deportment; a manner; an air; a mien. 심적 ~ a mental attitude. 강경한 ~ a firm attitude / a strong stand . 친절한 ~ a friendly attitude. 태연한 ~로 nonchalantly /
- 내미는: jut out; extrude
- 미는 것: pusher
- 미는 사람: pusher
- 꾸미기: adornment; decoration; ornament
- 꾸미다: 꾸미다1 [장식하다] ornament; decorate ; adorn; bedeck; dress ; [화장하다] make up ; put on makeup. 꽃으로 꾸민 방 a room decorated[blazoned] with flowers. 호화롭게 꾸민 응접실 a gorgeously furnished drawing room. 무덤을 꽃으로 ~ d
- 부꾸미: 부꾸미 a kind of cake made by mixing various flours.
- 주꾸미: Amphioctopus fangsiao
- 감사 (태도): Gratitude
- 거짓 태도: camp
- 꾸민 태도: pose